Avaleht Esileht EANC kutse virtuaalfoorumile, mis toimub täna õhtul.

EANC kutse virtuaalfoorumile, mis toimub täna õhtul.

Edastame EANC kutse virtuaalfoorumile, mis toimub täna õhtul kell 20:00 EST. Manuses detailid.

Join Us on the evening of Fri., May 19th, for a Virtual Talk (and Q & A) w/ the Ambassador of Estonia on issues pertinent to Estonia, followed by a public Townhall on the Future of ESTO festivals (*hosted by the Estonian American National Council)

We are sharing an invitation from EANC to join the webinar that takes place tonight at 8:00PM. Please find details below and enclosed. Please register at:   https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIsc-6urzksH9RSNPqzKkNMAhZW9h2tm  The majority of the discussion and event will be in English, to allow for maximum understanding and participation.
Part 1: It is important that we as Estonians in the US stay informed on topics affecting Estonia and Baltic security. Many thanks to Ambassador Prikk for taking time to gave us the View from Estonia on topics like the War in Ukraine, How Russia’s illegal occupation of Ukraine continues to affect  Estonia, Baltic Security/Europe as a whole;  What we can do to help; Current affairs in Estonia;  and more.  The Ambassador will take some questions at the end of his talk.   
Part 2: It is just as important that you join in for the Townhall, a public forum to discuss how you see the future of ESTO festivals, so that EANC can best represent the various ideas and perspectives of our vast Estonian community here in the USA. Your opinions and initiatives matter! 
ESTOs played an important role in Estonia’s fight for independence, but also served the cohesion of communities and shared goals in maintaining our Estonianness abroad, acting as a link and impetus for Estonian communities abroad an din doing so forming a colorful part of Estonian diaspora history. Our communities continue to want to grow, to practice or culture and celebrate our heritage, and pass the joy and history of being Etsonian to the next generations. Does ESTO have a role in this? If so, what?  We will look at topics such as:

What does ESTO mean to you?

What is its mission today?

Where* should ESTOs be held and how frequently?

What would attract you to attend an ESTO?

How far would you travel, and at what cost?

Would you host or help organize an ESTO?*

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