Eesti Eest! portaal saab olla tsensuurivaba ja täiesti sõltumatu -ainult kui toetate meid pisikese annetusega!
Mihkel Johannes Paimla EE407700771008496547 Märksõna "Annetus"

WES > Last Chance for Tickets for Our Celebration featuring “Dawn Till Dusk”

As we approach the latter part of February, the Washington Estonian Society needs to secure an accurate headcount of attendees for our March 4th event to celebrate EV 105, the 60th Anniversary of the Washington Estonian Society and the 50th Anniversary of Pillerkaar.   To celebrate our significant milestones we are presenting the first Washington area production of “Dawn Till Dusk.”   The venue, the caterer and the production team need a headcount by Friday, February 24, 2023.
Please don’t hesitate – please find more information and buy your tickets now at   You will not receive a paper ticket rather your name will be on the guest list at the door.
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