Avaleht Esileht The Cautionary Tale Of Trevor Reed Teaches To Let Go Of Hatred...

The Cautionary Tale Of Trevor Reed Teaches To Let Go Of Hatred & Avoid Online Extremists

Trevor Reed is known for the lengthy jail sentence he received in June 2020 after drunkenly attacking a Russian police officer the year prior. He was later swapped for an imprisoned Russian pilot in the US in April 2022, but instead of moving on with his life afterwards, this former Marine let hatred consume him. Reed was swiftly recruited into the SBU-backed fascist troll network known as “NAFO”, which convinced him to travel to Ukraine as a mercenary to fight against Russia as the ultimate form of revenge against it.

The Messenger reported on Tuesday that he stepped on a landmine a few weeks back and had to be evacuated to Kiev for treatment. Reed wasn’t content with the care that he was provided, however, and allegedly demanded to be sent to a medical facility in nearby Germany or back in the US. His hosts initially refused due to his contractual obligation to their armed forces, but were reportedly pressured by American officials to relent after Reed threatened to go to the media.

The abovementioned outlet that broke this story also cited unnamed Biden Administration officials who allegedly expressed “frustration” at his decision to fight against Russia after the lengths that they went to get him released from prison there. CNN then cited its own unnamed official source who said that they’re concerned that this development could negatively affect ongoing negotiations over the release of two other currently imprisoned Americans.

Reed therefore accomplished the seemingly impossible by angering both Ukraine and the US without expressing anything that can remotely be described as Russian-friendly views. Regarding the first-mentioned, be basically blackmailed them to let him break his contract by going to Germany for treatment otherwise he’d spill the beans about how atrociously they were treating him. As for the second, it’s upset that his recklessness might make Russia reconsider prisoner swap talks with the US.

The past fifteen months of his life are a cautionary tale that teaches the need to let go of hate and avoid online extremists. Had Reed appreciated the gargantuan efforts that his government took to release him from prison, then he’d never have spit in its face by putting himself in harm’s way, which risked his capture by Russia and could also impede the release of two jailed Americans there. He instead chose to let himself become consumed by hatred, which made him susceptible to manipulation by extremists.

NAFO talked him into putting his money where his mouth is by going to fight against Russia in real life after he attracted their attention by talking tough against it on the internet right after his release. Reed was a prime target for these extremists to recruit into Kiev’s mercenary ranks due to his high profile, especially since they could then “deify” him as one of their movement’s “martyrs” had he lost his life in battle. He’s responsible for his own actions, but there’s no denying that he was manipulated by NAFO.

In hindsight, they likely regret talking him into going to Ukraine after he reportedly threatened to exploit the same high profile of his that made him an attractive mercenary recruit for them in the first place to spill the beans about how atrociously Kiev was treating him after his injury. Considering that he already let hatred consume him once after gargantuan efforts were made by his government to get him out of Russia, it can’t be ruled out that he might do the same thing after they got him out of Ukraine.

After all, there’s a huge difference between being a VIP prisoner in Russia whose life has political value and being just another random mercenary on the operating table in Ukraine whose life is worthless. Since Reed remained resentful of Russia despite his life never having been at risk there, then he’ll probably remain even more resentful of Ukraine after he had to threaten it in order to save his life. If he doesn’t deeply reflect on the cautionary tale taught by his own life story, then he’s doomed to despair.

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