Avaleht Esileht Jews, Poles, & Russians Have United To Condemn Canada For Glorifying A...

Jews, Poles, & Russians Have United To Condemn Canada For Glorifying A Literal Nazi

Jews, Poles, and Russians have oftentimes been on separate sides of historical disputes, which is why it’s so important to point out how they’ve all united over the weekend. What brought these their separate groups together is their shared disgust at Canada’s glorification of a literal Nazi. Parliamentary Speaker Anthony Rota encouraged Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, his guest Zelensky, and everyone else to applaud Yaroslav Hunta, which they enthusiastically did, especially Zelensky who even clenched his fist.

It turns out, however, that Hunta wasn’t an innocent “Ukrainian-Canadian veteran from the Second World War who fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians” like Rota described him as but a member of the SS 1st Galician Division that served under the Nazis and genocided Poles. To their credit, Politico pointed this out and reported on the number of Jewish organizations that condemned this fascist ceremony, which Rota said he regrets but Trudeau has yet to apologize for he claims he didn’t plan it.

Russian Ambassador to Canada Oleg Stepanov demanded an explanation but added that he doesn’t expect one since “the current Trudeau cabinet is essentially the epitome of neo-liberal fascism you can’t do any business with.” Meanwhile, his Polish counterpart Witold Dzielski tweeted his condemnation of both the Canadian and Ukrainian leaderships for “cheering a member of the Waffen-SS Galizien…responsible for murdering thousands of Poles & Jews” and also said he “expects an apology.”

It’s rare for Jews, Poles, and Russians to unite, especially the last two’s Ambassadors in condemning Zelensky with whom the Polish leadership is fiercely feuding nowadays, but that just goes to show how atrocious this incident was. In one fell swoop, Trudeau discredited himself as a so-called “champion of human rights”, while Zelensky proved beyond any doubt that an ethnic and practicing Jew can indeed glorify the Nazis’ genocidal allies despite having family who were murdered in the Holocaust.

These two points are just as important as the previously emphasized one about how Jews, Poles, and Russians united in the face of this fascist provocation. Trudeau has relied on an extreme liberal interpretation of “human rights” in the aftermath of the Indian-Canadian dispute that he sparked last week to justify hosting Indian Sikhs whom Delhi has designated terrorists and whose extradition it’s demanded to no avail. He now stands exposed as a radical ideologue who cheers Nazi war criminals.

As for Zelensky, he and his supporters have tried to gaslight the world into thinking that it’s supposedly impossible for an ethnic and practicing Jew like himself to be a fascist after Russia relied on facts to accuse him of this. Just like Trudeau, he also now stands exposed since there’s no longer any doubt that he glorifies those Ukrainians who helped Hitler carry out the Holocaust and genocide Poles. This absolves President Putin of charges of “antisemitism” after he earlier questioned why Zelensky does this.

Global perceptions of those two leaders will thus continue to worsen, which works to India’s advantage when it comes to Trudeau and Poland’s when it comes to Zelensky. Each has been attacked by the Western media in recent days for their disputes with those leaders, but now there’s no denying that they enthusiastically glorify Hitler’s henchmen. As a result, no decent person can side with Canada and Ukraine against India and Poland respectively, which flips the soft power tables on those first two.

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