Avaleht Esileht Armenia & Its US-Based Diaspora Lobby Want America To Declare War On...

Armenia & Its US-Based Diaspora Lobby Want America To Declare War On Azerbaijan

Countless people were exposed to warmongering propaganda on social media in the past 24 hours since the start of Azerbaijan’s anti-terrorist operation in its Karabakh Region as a result of preplanned coordinated efforts by the Armenian Government, its US-based diaspora lobby, and their supporters. Ambassador-at-Large Edmon Marukyan demanded in a tweet to US President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and other Western leaders that America practically declare war on Azerbaijan:

“Now, Azerbaijan has started a large-scale aggression and military operation against the peaceful people of Nagorno-Karabakh. It is the US’s turn now as to what measures will be used to stop the aggression and military attack on the trapped and starving people. Naturally, Azerbaijan is committing another war crime by killing peaceful and unprotected people in an addition to ethnic cleansing. All this must be condemned and stopped with all its consequences.”

This was followed by the “Armenian National Committee of America” (ANCA), Armenia’s top US-based diaspora lobby and one of its most powerful influence groups anywhere in the world, launching a complementary “digital advocacy campaign” for Americans to pressure their politicians to that end. It can be read here, but its four primary points will now be shared below for the reader’s convenience so that they can see for themselves that it amounts to agitating for America to declare war on Azerbaijan:

“Demand U.S. leadership to STOP Azerbaijan’s genocide against 120,000 Christian Armenians in Artsakh – an at-risk democracy under attack by an oil-rich dictatorship:

1) U.S. intervention to stop the Artsakh Genocide – consistent with our obligations under the Genocide Convention

2) An end to all U.S. military assistance to genocidal Azerbaijan – consistent with the FREEDOM Support Act

3) An American humanitarian airlift to Artsakh – consistent with America’s tradition of aiding at-risk populations

4) A block on all Biden nominations to the State Department – consistent with the advise/consent role of the Senate

Type in your name, address, email and phone to contact President Biden, Vice-President Harris, and Congress now.  Simply choose write, call or tweet to take action.”

The third part of this preplanned and coordinated warmongering propaganda campaign involves the voluntary efforts of Armenia’s online supporters, who aggressively attack everyone who questions their information warfare narratives, let alone debunks them with fact-checks like this one here. Karabakh is universally recognized as Azerbaijani territory, including by Armenia itself, so any US military intervention on the pretext of “stopping genocide” would de facto be a declaration of war against a sovereign state.

That’s precisely what the Armenian Government, its US-based diaspora lobby, and their online supporters want, however, with the latter also curiously comprising many among the Alt-Media Community (AMC) who hitherto claimed to be against Western wars. After all, Marukyan and ANCA’s complementary demands can’t be achieved without first destroying Azerbaijan’s air defenses, following which boots would have to be planted on the ground to supposedly stop the so-called “genocide”.

In pursuit of that, the US would have to lead NATO forces in an unprecedented push through the South Caucasus that would bring them dangerously close to Russia’s and Iran’s borders, who are considered to be two of the West’s top adversaries. The Pentagon would then have to operate from the territory of Russia’s CSTO mutual defense ally in violation of Yerevan’s commitment to the group in late 2011 not to host others’ bases without all members’ approval, which can be read at the CSTO’s official site here.

Suffice to say, this recklessly spikes the chances of a larger war between the US-NATO and Russia and/or Iran breaking out by miscalculation since those last two might suspect that the unprecedented Western military push into the South Caucasus could be a cover for launching a large-scale first strike against them. Not only that, but it’s unimaginable that Turkiye would let its nominal allies attack Azerbaijan, thus likely leading to Ankara’s defection from NATO as it turns its guns against the alliance in Baku’s defense.

Azerbaijan isn’t Libya, which was destroyed by NATO on similarly false “Responsibility to Protect”/“Humanitarian Intervention” (R2P/HI) pretexts as the ones that Armenia’s information warfare agents have artificially manufactured for the purpose of justifying yet another Western war. Policymakers know this very well and are therefore unlikely to do what the Armenian Government, its US-based diaspora lobby, and their online supporters are demanding, ergo why no wider war is expected.

Nevertheless, it’s important for observers to be aware of what these aforesaid information warfare agents are agitating for and pay attention to how they’re copying from the Libyan War playbook by fearmongering about “genocide” in order to advance their imperialist aims. It’s not surprising that the Armenian Government and its US-based diaspora lobby are doing this, but it probably comes as a shock to many that a lot of folks from the AMC are eagerly going along with their pro-American warmongering.

Many of these people earned their audience’s trust by exposing the same “R2P/HI” lies that the West relied on for justifying the Libyan War and its ongoing Hybrid War of Terror on Syria, not to mention the other lies that were spewed to pressure China and Iran as well as wage NATO’s proxy war on Russia. Those hitherto seemingly reliable AMC influencers who jumped on the narratively identical warmongering bandwagon against Azerbaijan just exposed themselves as frauds.

Only three explanations cogently account for this: 1) they falsely portrayed themselves as anti-imperialists this entire time in order to generate clout, push an ideology, and/or solicit donations from their naive audience; 2) they’re bigots who betrayed their anti-imperialist principles at the first chance to maximally pressure Azerbaijan because they hate it for ethnic and/or religious reasons; or 3) they hope to make a quick buck from the wealthy Western-based Armenian diaspora by shilling for their cause.

Whatever each propagandist’s reason may be, the point is that those who are agitating for America to de facto declare war on Azerbaijan by militarily intervening against it on the false Libyan-like pretext of “stopping genocide” are functioning as the West’s information warfare agents, not anti-imperialists. They can never be trusted by their audience anymore after exposing themselves, but the silver lining is that now everyone knows that they were frauds all along, which means that fewer will be misled by them.

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