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“This Is Horrifying”: Baltimore County Releases Illegal Alien Sex Offender, Defying DHS’ Detainer Request

Local media outlet Fox 45 News revealed a convicted sex offender and illegal alien was released by Baltimore County officials, blatantly ignoring the federal government’s request to keep the criminal in jail. This stunning act of defiance in the progressive-controlled Baltimore metro area raises serious questions about their commitment to public safety, upholding law and order, and adherence to the federal government.

Fox 45 spoke with the US Department of Homeland Security about 25-year-old Raul Calderon-Interiano, who was convicted of a fourth-degree sex offense and second-degree assault in April by a Baltimore County judge.

The illegal alien was sentenced to six years in prison, but the judge suspended all of his prison time. 

Despite federal immigration officials filing a “detainer” for the officials in the county to keep the illegal alien in custody, the Baltimore County Detention Center released him anyway after his prison sentence was suspended.

US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) told Fox 45 News in a statement, “Calderon-Interiano will remain in ICE custody pending his removal from the United States.”

A separate Fox 45 investigation found that Baltimore County officials regularly ignore detainer requests from the federal government to keep illegal aliens in custody.

ICE data shows the county ignored about 70% of detainers in 2023.

Del. Nino Mangione, R-Baltimore County, responded to the Fox 45 report, saying, “This is a horrifying, disgusting and outrageous story about how flawed our immigration system is.” 

Mangione continued:

“This is yet another example of a question being asked too often, why in the hell is a person like this in our county and how did they get into our country to begin with?  And the irresponsible action of the Office of Refugee Resettlement is mind blowing to me.”

“What we need at ICE is an Office of Immediate and Permanent Deportation to remove these people from our country permanently.”

“We have a liberal Democrat crisis that has been created by those who have no respect for the rule of law, border security, human decency, or the safety and security of American citizens.  Yet, the Democrats sit on their hands, make excuses, and do nothing year after year.

This is their fault and their fault alone!” 

There is absolutely no logical reason for the progressive county to let this illegal alien. Not one.


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