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The Return Of Several Ukrainian Children Proves That Russia Didn’t Kidnap Them

The “International Criminal Court” (ICC) issued a warrant for President Putin’s arrest earlier this spring on charges that he’s allegedly responsible for the “unlawful deportation of population (children) and that of unlawful transfer of population (children) from occupied areas of Ukraine.” That claimed duped a lot of Westerners at the time, but it’ll now be more difficult to uphold after Qatar just mediated the return of several such children to their families, which wouldn’t have been possible if Russia ‘kidnapped’ them.

After all, if they were really ‘kidnapped’ like many people were misled into thinking for purely political reasons related to the West’s self-explanatory desire to discredit President Putin personally and Russia in general, then there’s no way that Moscow would have entered into talks about their return. Not only that, but the Kremlin wouldn’t have retained any records of where those children originally came from if it intended for them to forever live with Russian families after supposedly being ‘kidnapped’.

The fact that such records exist, a third party commenced mediation with Moscow on this issue, and some of those children were returned to their families discredits the reason behind the ICC’s arrest warrant. All of this proves that Russia was telling the truth when it claimed that these children were removed from the conflict zone for their safety in line with the country’s international humanitarian commitments to protect civilians.

Records were retained in the event that some of these same children’s parents were later found to be alive and inquired about their kids, which confirms that Russia behaved responsibly from the get-go by preparing for this scenario that ultimately came to pass in several cases thus far. Upon a reputable third party commencing mediation on this issue and passing along relevant information, officials were able to verify the identity of the parents and children, which resulted in them being reunited.

Those Westerners who learn about this latest development would do well to reconsider everything they’ve hitherto heard about President Putin allegedly ‘kidnapping’ Ukrainian kids. If they’re brave enough to do so, they’ll realize that they were blatantly lied to about this highly emotive issue, all in an attempt to maximally manipulate their perceptions of Russia and its leader. Many people can’t accept that, however, so it’s unlikely that a large enough number of them will do so to make a major difference.

Nevertheless, the Alt-Media Community would still do well to raise awareness of how these children’s return discredits the ICC’s arrest for President Putin’s arrest since that also serves to expose one of the West’s most outrageous lies since the start of Russia’s special operation. Those few Westerners who go down the rabbit hole after learning the truth about this might then enlighten others, which can accelerate the erosion of the West’s credibility and thus speed up the collapse of its “empire of lies”.


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