The Indian Opposition Wants To Force PM Modi Into A Narrative Dilemma On Manipur

The Indian National Congress (INC) recently united the opposition through the newly created “Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance” (“INDIA”) umbrella, which is planning to hold a vote of no confidence in the Lok Sabha (Parliament) on Prime Minister Modi’s response to the unrest in Manipur. There’s no chance that it’ll succeed since they don’t have the numbers required to oust him, but observers believe that the intention is to pressure him into making a detailed statement on this issue.

Bad actors from the region’s Meitei and Kuki minority communities exploited a sensitive court ruling in mid-April to carry out preplanned attacks against each other in early May. The majority-Christian hill-residing Kukis objected to the majority-Hindu valley-residing Meiteis, the latter of whom form a slim majority in Manipur, being designated a Scheduled Tribe and thus being able to purchase land in the hills despite they themselves being able to purchase land in the valley after already receiving this status.

Student protests against the ruling prompted counterprotests that spiraled out of control. The armed forces swiftly moved in to restore order and the region’s internet was cut off to stop the spread of violence-inciting fake news, but the government largely remained silent throughout it all, likely to avoid inadvertently inflaming tensions if bad actors twisted their words to provoke more unrest. This prompted the West and their fellow travelers among the INC to politicize the situation as noted below:

* “The European Parliament Damaged The Bloc’s Relations With India By Meddling In Manipur

* “The Indian National Congress Is Despicable For Politicizing The Violence In Manipur

* “Korybko To The Shillong Times’ Patricia Mukhim: Don’t Blame The BJP For Manipur’s Unrest

The INC’s decision to assemble “INDIA” is directly connected to this since it represents an attempt to influence voters through neurolinguistic means ahead of next year’s general elections. The plan is to use the Manipur situation as the pretext for reviving debates about past incidents like the BBC tried to do earlier this year in order to frame the vote as an existential struggle between India as a whole and the BJP. This aligns with the modus operandi that was also hinted at by Soros and Obama.

The first-mentioned de facto declared Hybrid War on India in mid-February by strongly suggesting that Prime Minister Modi’s removal would be in the world’s ‘democratic’ interests, while the second fearmongered earlier this summer that India is at risk of ‘Balkanization’ if the BJP remains in power. These two influential liberalglobalists thus respectively signaled that the premier’s opponents should rely on accusations that he’s a ‘dictator’ and ‘genocidaire’ going into next year’s general elections.

With these motivations in mind, the purpose of the INC-led vote of no confidence becomes clear. The opposition wants a national pulpit from which to attack Prime Minister Modi according to the angles suggested by the BBC, Soros, and Obama, which is why the premier himself and his top diplomat among other ruling party officials all implied that this new umbrella network is doing the bidding of foreign powers. No matter what he says, his words will be spun by the INC to advance its false narratives.

For instance, whatever explanation is given for his prior silence will be dismissed by them as an excuse to cover up for his ‘dictatorship’, and their claims will then be amplified by allied Western media. Similarly, they’ll manipulate whatever he says about the violence as supposedly taking one of the communities’ sides and thus implicating him in their killings, which promotes their claim that he’s overseeing a ‘genocide’ like the BBC alluded to regarding a past incident that it recently brought up out of nowhere.

Building upon the last-mentioned narrative tactic that the new INC-led umbrella platform is expected to employ, anything that can remotely be interpreted as Prime Minister Modi taking the Meiteis side will be presented as proof of him ‘weaponizing Hindu nationalism to genocide Christians’. If he says something that can remotely be interpreted as supporting the Kukis, however, then his opponents will try to drive a wedge between him and his nationalist base by alleging that he betrayed him.

Either way, whatever Prime Minister Modi says about the situation in Manipur will be taken advantage of to push the opposition’s narrative interests, with the product of their efforts then being amplified across the world by allied Western media in order to discredit him. Their immediate goal is to artificially manufacture a scandal ahead of the G20 Summit that’ll be hosted by India in September while the medium-term one is to help the INC-led umbrella defeat the BJP during next year’s general elections.

If this meddling operation succeeds in carrying out regime change, then their victory will be described as the ‘triumph of democracy over dictatorship’, while their failure will be attributed to Prime Minister Modi allegedly being a ‘genocidal dictator who weaponized populism to defeat democracy’. Returning to the lede, the Indian leader is being thrust into a narrative dilemma by the INC. Remaining silent will be spun as ‘covering up a genocide’, but ‘dictator’ and ‘genocide’ smears will follow no matter what he says.

This observation confirms that the opposition is the one politicizing the situation in Manipur, not Prime Minister Modi or the anyone else in the ruling party, and they’re doing so in tacit coordination with their liberal-globalist allies in the West. What’s happening in Manipur right now might set the stage for more regional unrest as well as more foreign interference in Bangladesh ahead of its general elections in January, all of which is aimed at influencing the outcome of India’s own vote sometime next spring.

Western ideologues hate the BJP’s blend of nationalism and internationalism, which is why they want to depose it, but they’re struggling to do so after the pragmatists finally wrested control of their New Cold War bloc’s South Asia policy from them a few months back. These interconnected meddling operations in Manipur, Bangladesh, and India as a whole therefore represent a power play by this faction to regain the influence that it recently lost to its rivals in formulating policy towards this geostrategic region.

Their subversive attempts to destabilize those three in defiance of their side’s official policy towards them is similar in spirit to what many of these same ideologues earlier did in sabotaging Trump’s efforts – however sincere they truly were – to enter into a rapprochement with Russia. It remains to be seen how successful they’ll be this time around, and there are reasons to expect them to fail, but what’s most important right now is to expose their plots so that folks aren’t misled into being their “useful idiots”.


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