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Mihkel Johannes Paimla EE407700771008496547 Märksõna "Annetus"

The education program and its globalist mission today.


With this story, I do not want to dismantle the education system, nor do I want to forbid people to opt out of education. There are many of us who see the whole world through the system that governs it – these are the people I would call “seers”. I am one of them.

The pandemic and the war have made people think a lot about what is really going on in this world, and as a result the number of “seers” has grown over time.

I`ve talked a lot about the school program and how people are being programmed in schools. The higher the level of education, the higher the programming. Having been in politics myself since 2019, this has been very visible, for example, with young politicians. At the beginning, they speak from the heart, as the creator would have it, but as they further their education at university, these young politicians change. Soon, people no longer understand at all what the young politicians mean when they talk to the people in unfamiliar terms, and why the young politicians have started to lean towards globalism. If you start asking them, they keep quiet or tell you to go to school and you will get the knowledge.

And many intellectuals will say on the sidelines, "When that young politician started out, compared to now, how he has evolved!". This is what intellectuals say, who have tried to do the same thing in their lifetime, but unfortunately their intellect and ideology have not allowed for such development, because perhaps they were not as suited to the system as the talented and educated young politician of today.

“Get a higher education!” or become as programmed as I am!
School as an institution has long lost its real purpose – to provide knowledge and life skills. Instead, it is programmed from nursery school to the end of university with a globalist ideology. Tolerance, Hom propaganda, gender neutrality and greenwashing are all part of the program. These are not yet explicitly presented as separate subjects, but are seamlessly stitched into the subjects, which is why the subjects are also ideologically slanted.

Why do we need to program people?

People need to be programmed to serve the system created by the elite. There is a perception from the last century that only highly educated people need to do politics. I understand that education is needed to achieve a filigree of literacy and a correct understanding of things. One of the important factors in politics is understanding things, and the “right understanding” is formed in schools. Of course, it is up to each politician how much of what he or she learns in school he or she actually uses in policy-making. Conservatives generally try to disprove the “correct knowledge” they have acquired in school, which makes it very difficult for them to run for national governments, because they would simply be holding back the plans of the globalists.

Globalists are not stupid and they can see the direction the world is going in and they put the programming to work very cleverly in their favor. The moves will make the old society gasp, but are likely to be very effective ideologically in the long run. In fact, this is something that humanity has seen before in socialist countries, e.g. during the USSR.

Kristina Kallas`s decision to take a young man with a basic education as her advisor is a bold but, in the light of history, above all logical step, because this young man has been brought up in a very liberal way and is a social activist by nature. By sitting him down in politics, you can, over time, mould him into a stalwart tin soldier who will stand strong against conservative Estonia and who can be held up as a role model for globalists as a forceful promoter of the liberal globalist agenda.

The importance of globalism in the world:

Regardless of whether we belong to a greater or lesser extent to the liberal or conservative camps, we all rely on globalist policies, because it is simply no longer possible to do otherwise in Western civilization – otherwise we would suffer the fate of North Korea or simply be hijacked, as the Kaja Kallas government has done.

Even Russia would not save us from globalism if it were to invade Estonia, because, as we know, Putin and Russia were also members of Klaus Schwab`s New World Order organisation before the war in Ukraine. At the moment, though, Russia is forging a new world order with its allies, but obviously, when the land is divided up, the forgers of the new world order will start to work closely together.

One of the tasks of globalism is to control the world`s population.
For the globalists, society on the planet is like a flock of sheep to be sheared for wool, and when the flock gets too big, some of them must be sent to the slaughterhouse.

Education plays a big part in this too. The plan is a very insidious one, as the COVIDI pandemic and vaccination and its propaganda proved to the “. People who have been taught all their lives that science is to be trusted, and that vaccines have saved mankind from many deadly diseases, or even eliminated them altogether, believe in it blindly.

Of course, they are right in some respects, but the COVID pandemic was a trap and these vaccines are not the vaccines that are supposed to save lives. This is proven by the wave of sudden deaths of cultured people and intellectuals just after vaccination. The wave of sudden deaths continues to this day. Worldwide, sudden deaths, as well as neonatal mortality, have skyrocketed. I also know of cases where cancer developed and people died just after vaccination.

There has also been a lot of talk about the COVID vaccine causing infertility.

All in all, it is all so obvious why this is being done, but unfortunately, most people sincerely believe in globalism and its noble purpose – just as the Stalinists believed in communism in the blessed Soviet era.

/The Conservative Thinker/


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