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The Associated Press Shed Light On The US’ Shadowy Ties With Hamas Via Qatar

The official narrative about the latest Israeli-Hamas war is changing as proven by the Washington Post (WaPo) blowing the whistle on Prime Minister Benjamin (“Bibi”) Netanyahu’s years-long Faustian deal with that group in order to weaken his rule but at the expense of the state’s reputation. The latest development in this direction came after the Associated Press (AP) just published their piece about how “Qatar is the go-to mediator in the Mideast war. Its unprecedented Tel Aviv trip saved a shaky truce”.

Astute observers were already aware of the “politically incorrect” facts contained therein, but average Westerners weren’t, which is why it’s important to point out exactly what they drew attention to. For starters, the AP seconded what WaPo earlier reported regarding the estimated $1 billion that Israel reportedly let Qatar send to Gaza since 2014. There are now two reputable Mainstream Media (MSM) outlets informing average Westerners that Bibi let Qatar fund Israeli-designated terrorists.

Even more surprising for average folks is the fact that “Qatar says Hamas’ (2012) political office in its capital, Doha, came about at the request of U.S. officials who wanted to establish a communication channel, just as Doha had hosted Taliban offices during America’s 20-year war in Afghanistan…’This is soft power on steroids, mobilized for America’s interest,’ said Patrick Theros, a former U.S. ambassador to Qatar. ‘Hosting organizations which the United States cannot be seen talking to is part of this policy.’”

The Western public has therefore learned from the US’ former top diplomat to Qatar himself that their New Cold War bloc’s leader was cavorting for over a decade with an officially designated terrorist group in Qatar, which “hosts the largest American military base between Europe and Japan.” Average folks might vaguely recall the Qatari-facilitated US-Taliban talks, but few probably had any idea that the US was also talking to Hamas, the supposedly sworn enemy of that country’s Israeli ally.

Everything just became a lot more complicated than most had hitherto thought since the assumption that Israel and the US were united against Hamas, which they each officially designated as terrorists, has now been shattered as a result of WaPo and the AP’s coordinated efforts. What’s arguably happening is nothing short of a narrative revolution whereby the MSM is now systematically informing the masses that what had previously been smeared as “conspiracy theories” are actually “conspiracy facts”.

As was earlier mentioned, WaPo dropped its bombshell about Bibi’s years-long Faustian deal with Hamas for the purpose of pushing through the ruling Democrats’ envisaged regime change against him that they began cooking up last spring, the motive of which is complemented by the AP’s bombshell. To explain, American policymakers fear that Russia’s truly neutral stance towards this conflict places it in the best position to mediate a resolution to it and/or break the US’ monopoly on the Palestinian peace process.

The only possible way in which they can avert this scenario is to precondition the Western masses to expect their New Cold War bloc’s leader to public compete with Russia for this diplomatic kingmaker role, ergo AP’s shattering of the assumption that the US and Hamas are enemies. Without informing them that what had previously been smeared as a “conspiracy theory” is actually a “conspiracy fact”, namely that those two have over a decade-worth of Qatari-facilitated ties, this would be impossible.

Just like WaPo’s bombshell was dropped at the expense of the Israeli state’s reputation, so too was the AP’s dropped at the expense of the American state’s own since this strategic disclosure will stoke speculation that the US was partially responsible for Hamas’ sneak attack. Nevertheless, just like advancing the goal of regime change against Bibi is considered worth the cost, so too is advancing the goal of the US publicly competing with Russia for this diplomatic kingmaker role considered worth it too.

This insight suggests that American policymakers have concluded that the latest Israeli-Hamas war will be a game-changer for the region since their country wouldn’t otherwise undertake such risky narrative-strategic gambles. It clearly wants Bibi out sometime after the conflict ends and also envisages brokering a cessation of hostilities that could perhaps even lead to the US midwifing an independent Palestine. In other words, nothing at all is as it seems, and the full truth about this war has yet to come out.


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