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Rioting In Purported Support Of Palestine Discredits Its People’s Independence Cause

President Putin condemned the foreign-instigated riot at Dagestan’s Makhachkala Airport on Sunday night, which saw the SBU manipulate over 100 putative supporters of Palestine into breaking the law on the pretext of supporting its people’s independence cause. Even worse, some of them shouted anti-Semitic slogans, thus implying their intent to carry out a pogrom. These illegal actions prompted very sharp criticism from the regional head, the regional Muslim leader, and Russia’s Council of Mufties.

Unlike what Ukraine’s “useful idiots” were misled into thinking at the time, at least those that were “naïve”/”well-intentioned” and not the agent provocateurs among them, rioting in purported support of Palestine actually discredits its people’s independence cause. It’s unlikely that large-scale lawbreaking will successfully pressure targeted governments into capitulating to the mob and doing what the rioters demand. To the contrary, the state might double down on its existing policy in defiance.

Exceptions of course exist, but there are reasons to doubt that the Palestinian cause is one of them, both in the Western and Russian contexts. Regarding the first, relevant policy is largely formulated by members of the permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies who are unaccountable to the public. They’ve concluded that supporting Israel advances their bloc’s geostrategic interests, which is why they probably won’t curtail armed aid to it and/or scale up humanitarian aid to Palestine.

As for Russia, it practices a policy of principled neutrality towards the latest Israeli-Hamas war whereby it condemns that group’s terrorist attack which sparked the most recent conflict but also the self-professed Jewish State’s disproportionate response in collectively punishing the Palestinian people. The Kremlin wants a ceasefire as soon as possible in order to save lives and then ideally revive the stalled peace process after breaking Washington’s monopoly over it. Moscow has also sent humanitarian aid to Gaza.

It’s unrealistic to expect Russia to deviate from its aforesaid policy, especially in the face of foreign-instigated rioting, not to mention after anti-Semitic slogans were shouted amidst Sunday night’s incident and thus implied some of the participants’ intent to carry out a pogrom. No sincere supporter of Palestine inside the historically multi-ethnic and religiously diverse Russian Federation should be upset about its approach towards this conflict since it’s the most pragmatic one possible.

It’s regrettable that a few of the proud Dagestani people, who are known for their religious piousness and respect of others, were duped by the SBU into shaming their society through the anti-Semitic riot that they organized on Sunday night. That’s why the regional head, its Muslim leader, and the Russian Council of Mufties sharply criticized their illegal actions, which aim to deter others from following the culprits’ lead so that they too don’t harm their people’s reputation and Russia’s national interests.

Pre-Bunking, Media Literacy, & Democratic Security” will be crucial to inoculating the locals from the foreign influence that misled some of their fellows into rioting, but these perception management tactics and strategies will likely prove irrelevant in the Western context. That’s because similar such riots aren’t due to foreign influence, but the ideological influence of the liberalglobalists, whose sway over society was elaborated on here and here for those readers that want to learn more about this.

Ukraine’s, the Soros network’s, (including its Antifa-BLM foot soldiers’), and the liberal-globalists’ interests in weaponizing the cause of Palestinian independence in pursuit of their selfish interests doesn’t by itself discredit this UNSC-endorsed goal. There’ll always be bad actors trying to take advantage of whatever they came, but they require “useful idiots” to do their bidding in order to succeed. It’s therefore imperative that sincere supporters of Palestine don’t fall into these traps.


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