Eesti Eest! portaal saab olla tsensuurivaba ja täiesti sõltumatu -ainult kui toetate meid pisikese annetusega!
Mihkel Johannes Paimla EE407700771008496547 Märksõna "Annetus"

NGO Conservative Estonia: 2 cases have already been taken to the European Union’s human rights court in connection with the Estonian e-elections!

Trump’s legal team now has these documents, which reveal what they see as election fraud happening in Estonia. Interestingly, the OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe) is reviewing these same materials. Notably, the documents initiated by several Estonian individuals helped shed light on these issues.

The “Conservative Estonia” group supports a lawsuit filed by Daniel Mereäär and Märt Põder, claiming that there was election fraud in the 2023 Riigikogu elections in Estonia. Mike Calamus mentioned that Trump’s associate, Vivek Ramaswamy, was surprised to learn that Estonia uses the Smartmatic voting system—similar to the one used in Venezuela during troubling elections.

The NGO “Conservative Estonia” keeps the public updated on these legal proceedings to ensure donors know how their contributions are used. Daniel Mereäär has a lawyer named Märt Mürk, and Märt Põder is serving as a technical advisor. The organization covers the costs of these legal experts and court fees.

On April 2, 2024, this team filed a complaint about violations regarding the counting of electronic votes in the 2023 elections, and they have also taken their concerns to the European Court of Human Rights. They claim Märt Põder’s vote was mishandled, as he was mistakenly classified as a “non-voter.” While the Supreme Court of Estonia recognized this error, it didn’t view it as significant enough to warrant changes. They explained that the rules for counting votes were not clearly defined, which raises concerns about potential manipulation in such a necessary democratic process.

Another crucial issue raised in Märt Põder’s lawsuit is whether the way e-votes are stored after being cast complies with data protection laws. “Conservative Estonia” is financially backing Põder in his legal fight against Estonia’s internet voting system, recently helping with a bill of 1,355 euros, allowing him to focus on seeking justice.

Even though the Supreme Court somewhat acknowledged the mistakes made by the election officials, they criticized Mereäär and Põder for supposedly misusing their right to appeal. It’s frustrating when citizens point out clear errors as they seek to defend their rights! Such independent thinkers can often be seen as a threat to the established system. There’s hope that the European Court of Human Rights will take their concerns seriously and take appropriate action.

— Ave Maria Blithe


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