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Natali ja Clayton Morris/Redacted

What is the military tactic in Ukraine that the media won’t explain to us? Don’t worry, we’ve got former U.N. weapons inspector Scott Ritter on the show to explain how Ukraine is on the ropes, no matter what Ukraine or NATO does.

The House of Representatives voted not to end the U.S. occupation of Syria on Wednesday. This is disappointing but not surprising. Although all is not lost, 103 leaders voted for it with 56 Democrats joining 47 Republicans to vote in favor of the bill, showing that there is at least some appetite for peace. Opponents of the bill said that they feared that troop withdrawal would revive terrorist groups n the region. Which is a good joke because the U.S. has backed terrorists groups in the region by supporting the al-Qaeda affiliated al-Nusra since the Obama administration.

Germany is showing how the all-electric car plans may not be as rosy as it would seem. The European Union has said that it will phase out gas-powered cars by 2035. But now Germany has asked the EU to exempt cars powered by synthetic fuel. Italy has supported this request with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni arguing that phasing out gas-powered cars would put thousands of jobs at risk. Spain’s environmental transition minister has said that this is a disappointing request and that it could derail the plan. In fact, this did derail a vote that was scheduled for March 7. That vote was delayed on fears that Germany would abstain.

Me tahame olla informeeritud; meie põhiseaduslikku „õigust teada”, ei tohiks kahjustada meediast juhitud valed ja korporatsioonide poolt kirjutatud süžeed. Redacted koos Natali ja Clayton Morrisega teevad ühiseid jõupingutusi tõe päästmiseks, teabe säilitamiseks ja propaganda vastu võitlemiseks.

Clayton Morris on endine Fox Newsi ankur. Redactedis vaatlevad Clayton ja tema naine Natali teile olulisi õiguslikke, sotsiaalseid, finants- ja isiklikke probleeme. Nad toovad otse-eetris teieni lood, millest keegi teine ei räägi. Lisaks faktidele ja tervikpildile pakub Redacted reaalmaailma analüüsi ilma ettevõtete ülekoormusest tingitud agentuurita. Claytoni laialdase ajakirjanduskogemusega ei karda ta võimudelt tõtt nõuda. Redacted on sõltumatu platvorm, mida ei koorma välised tegurid ega piiravad poliitikad, millel Clayton ja Natali Morris pakuvad teile kvaliteetset teavet, tasakaalustatud aruandlust, konstruktiivset arutelu ja läbimõeldud narratiive.


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