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Cancel Culture Turned On One Of Its Own After MSNBC Reportedly Suspended Mehdi Hasan’s Show

Semafor’s report about the internal disputes that have erupted within MSNBC over the latest Israeli-Hamas war revealed that Mehdi Hasan and two other Muslim anchors were quietly taken out of the anchor’s chair and had their programs de facto suspended. The company denied these claims and said that they’re simply prioritizing coverage of the conflict above all else, but the conspicuous absence of those three’s shows nevertheless extended credence to their report and sparked an outcry among some.

For however strongly readers might feel about freedom of speech in America, and particularly the right for workers to publicly share views on sensitive matters that contradict their employer’s without fear of punishment, it’s ironic that Hasan of all people just had his show suspended. He’s a hardcore liberalglobalist who hitherto marched in lockstep with this radical movement’s Democrat proxies on Russia, Trump, COVID lockdowns, and all other related matters, only to now have his allies turn against him.

Many people are therefore experiencing intense schadenfreude at seeing him get canceled after he so aggressively demanded the canceling of his political opponents over the years, especially after the January 6th incident. Hasan apparently thought that the same tactics that he supported against others would never be used against him since he calculated that his role as this cult’s token Muslim meant that his employers would never dare cancel him lest they discredit their cause in fellow believers’ eyes.

To add another layer of irony to it all, many of the “woke” happen to be anti-Zionists just like he appears to be too, so he probably thought he could get away with criticizing Israel’s killing of civilians on social media. His mistakes were that he overvalued his importance to his “woke” employers, which he thought made him untouchable, and actually believed that they sincerely supported Palestine. The first is attributable to arrogance while the second is the result of naivete.

A cursory glance at his shows and social media postings confirms the first-mentioned aspect of his personality so there’s nothing more to add to that part of his mistake, but some further insight can be shared about the second since it’s relevant to every member of that radical movement. “Woke” cultists struggle with cognitive dissonance due to their ideology’s inherent double standards, but they work past it since they’re convinced that there’s some order to this chaos and that it’s all for the “greater good”.

Although they all know that tactics like cancel culture are ultimately about power and not accountability and so-called safety like they claim, each of them still sincerely believes in the cause that they’re canceling their opponents for and assumes that their comrades do too. If this false perception wasn’t shared by the majority of their radical movement, then it wouldn’t have ever become as powerful as it has since there’d be a dearth of foot soldiers to fight in its name on social media and in the streets.

The ”woke” elite are a notable exception to the aforesaid observation as proven by their hatred of the Second Amendment and border security despite hiring private security to protect themselves and living in gated communities respectively among other examples. For whatever reason, Hasan never wised up to this “politically incorrect” fact despite being one of the world’s most famous Muslim members of that selfsame elite, hence why he kept criticizing Israel’s killing of civilians without worrying about his job.

What he never realized was that the diverse “woke” elite are actually Zionists who only allow their cultists to virtue signal support for the Palestinian cause since they weaponize related “decolonization” rhetoric in the West as part of their “revolutionary” goal to reshape that civilization. Such concepts are exploited to justify acts of racially motivated violence by their BLM foot soldiers and the large-scale import of civilizationally dissimilar immigrants in order to maximally divide-and-rule the masses.

To be absolutely clear, the “woke” elite’s Zionist sympathies have nothing to do with their goal of reshaping Western civilization, and this class as a whole is very diverse despite certain identity groups being overrepresented relative to their size in the general population. This is crucial to remember since some claim that Judaism is responsible for all the troubles associated with that radical movement, which is nothing but an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that discredits legitimate criticism of this cult’s policies.

In fact, it was none other than Biden himself who said that he’s “a Zionist in my heart” and “you need not be a Jew to be Zionist”. Anyone who speculates that “the Jews” were behind MSNBC’s de facto suspension of Hasan’s program is therefore a bigot who’s taking advantage of this scandal to push their dirty agenda. The “woke” elite’s Zionist sympathies are probably attributable to them associating this cause with the power that they themselves lust after, but it has nothing to do with their other policies.

After all, the self-professed Zionists in Israel favor civilians carrying firearms for self-defense, fully support their country’s border walls around Palestine, and are fervently against BLM-like policies that pit ethnic minorities against the minority, thus making them the exact opposite of the “woke” elite. These Zionists also believe that George Soros, who’s the patron saint of liberal-globalism and practically worshipped by the “woke” masses, is an infamous anti-Semite despite he himself being Jewish.

In sum, Judaism isn’t responsible for all the troubles associated with “wokeism”, and actual self-professed Zionists in Israel ironically stand for the exact opposite of what that radical movement’s Zionist-sympathizing elite do with regards to the right to bear arms and the need for border walls. This selfsame elite’s support for Zionism is therefore hypocritical, just like their private positions towards those two previously mentioned subjects, which makes this counterintuitively logical in its own way.

All of this is relevant with respect to Hasan since he naively thought that his cult’s elite members sincerely shared their foot soldiers’ views about Palestine and never could have countenanced that they were just exploiting that cause’s “decolonization” rhetoric to facilitate their goal of reshaping Western civilization. That’s why he continued criticizing Israel’s killing of civilians without worrying about his job, only to suddenly find out that his show has reportedly been de facto suspended as a result.

It’s incredibly ironic that one of the world’s most well-known and arguably insufferable proponents of cancel culture was just canceled, but it’s unlikely that he’ll defect from “wokeism” since few ever do, especially those of his professional caliber. He just has to be told by trusted figures above him in the movement that this was required in pursuit of the “greater good” and that he’d be impeding that same goal if he dares to protest what just happened. In other words, “trust the plan”, as QAnon cultists say.

Likewise, none of his fellow cultists below him will defect after his show’s de facto suspension either since they trust the wisdom of their elite and have thus already convinced themselves that this advances the “greater good” (whatever they imagine it as being) even if they don’t understand how.  All that’s important to them is that powerful people are dealing with problems as they emerge, even if they come from one of their cult’s top propagandists, which gives them a sense of comfort in this chaotic world.


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