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Brutal raid at the Dominican Monastery of St. Stanislaus in Lublin, Poland

The Association Lawyers for Poland is profoundly shocked and outraged by a brutal raid that took place on December 19, 2024, at the Dominican Monastery of St. Stanislaus in Lublin. This operation, ordered by the National Prosecutor’s Office, involved six masked police officers armed with guns, cameras, and drones, creating a scene that felt more like a repressive regime than a democratic country like Poland.

During the raid, the police entered the monastery, rummaging through private living spaces and taking photos, which turned the event into a disturbing display of power. The official reason for this operation was the claim that they were looking for MP Marcin Romanowski, who was wanted under an arrest warrant. However, many people questioned the legitimacy of this claim, especially since news reports had stated that he was actually out of the country, possibly in Spain or Hungary. What happened that day seemed more like a bizarre show than a lawful action.

Moreover, this raid violated both Polish laws and international agreements. The agreement between the Holy See and Poland protects places of worship from government interference unless there is a serious threat to life, health, or property. In this case, no real danger justified such an extreme action.

The National Prosecutor’s Office, led by politician Adam Bodnar since early 2024, appears to have transformed into a chaotic entity instead of an institution that upholds the law. Recent court rulings have pointed out serious issues with its operation.

This raid had little to do with seeking justice. Instead, it seemed aimed at humiliating clergy members and ramping up the government’s ongoing attack on the Catholic Church in Poland. Over the years, the government has tried to diminish the Church’s influence, and this raid represents an alarming new step in that ongoing struggle.

The Association of Lawyers for Poland firmly condemns this disgraceful action and urges the government to reconsider its approach. Each act of lawlessness takes us further from being a civilized society and pushes Poland closer to authoritarianism. We demand accountability for those responsible for this raid and call for restoring respect for the law and ethical behavior in government actions.


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