Eesti esimene tippkunstnike heategevuslik ehete oksjon on nüüd avatud!

Endise DC elanikuna, kes on nüüd tagasi Eestis, jagan uudist, mis ehk on Teilegi huvitav: nimelt oleme Zonta Tartu klubiga avanud Eesti esimese tippkunstnike heategevusliku ehete oksjoni:

Korraldajad on Zonta Tartu klubi ja ehtekunstnikud Kärt Summataveti eestvedamisel. Oksjon toimub digikeskkonnas 04. kuni 16. detsembrini 2023 aadressil

Heategevuslikul oksjonil osalevad silmapaistvad kunstnikud, kelle teosed on eksponeeritud Eesti Rahva Muuseumi osalussaali ehtenäitusel “Mets vastab, allikas kõnetab”. Kes ei vaja ehet, saab ikkagi heategevuses osaleda, ostes kinkekaarte näituse erituuridele 06.01, 13.01 ja 27.01.2024, kus ehtekunstnikud avavad süvitsi oma loomemaailma. Lisaks kunstnikele annetab heategevuseks ka Roman Tavast OÜ.

Heategevuse mõttega on 31 ehtekunstnikku Eestist ja Soomest esitanud oksjonile 124 tööd. Tulu läheb Zonta Tartu klubi projektile Julguse Pesa julmust kogenud emade, laste ja noorte vaimse tervise taastamiseks.

Lisainfo Kärt Summatavet, [email protected], 5035552 ja Zonta Tartu klubi, [email protected], 56693720.

Loodetavasti leidub siin valikus taieseid, mis on Teilegi huvitavad!
Kaunist jõulukuud soovides,
Anne Vomm

As a former DC resident who is now back in Estonia, I am sharing some news that you might find interesting: the Zonta Tartu club has opened the first jewelry charity auction in Estonia:  The jewelry is made by the top artists in Estonia. The auction is organized by the Zonta Tartu club and by jewelry artists led by Kärt Summatavet. The auction takes place in a digital environment from December 4 to 16, 2023 at

The charity auction features outstanding artists whose works are exhibited in the Estonian National Museum’s jewelry exhibition “Forest and Waters ”. Those who do not care for jewelry, can still participate in charity by buying gift cards for special tours of the exhibition on January 6, 13 and 27, 2024, as jewelry artists reveal their creative world in depth. In addition to the artists, Roman Tavast OÜ also donates to charity.

With the idea of charity, 31 jewelry artists from Estonia and Finland have submitted 124 works to the auction. The proceeds will go to the Zonta Tartu club project The Nest of Courage to restore the mental health of mothers, children and young people who have experienced cruelty.

For more information, please contact Kärt Summatavet, [email protected], 5035552 or Zonta Tartu club, [email protected], 56693720.

Hopefully you will find some masterpieces that you or a dear person for you will be happy and proud to wear.
Have a wonderful holiday season,
Anne Vomm


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