Russia’s Banning Of LGBT+ Propaganda & The Sex Change Industry Protects Children

The Mainstream Media is melting down after Russia just banned the sex change industry, which will make “medical interventions and the use of medical drugs geared to swap gender” illegal according to TASS. RT added that parliamentarians were motivated to protect their country’s children, who they claim have been targeted by “malpracticing doctors, psychologists, [and] a developed network of LGBT organizations and activists”.

These forces are accused of pushing so-called “gender ideology” onto impressionable youths for ideological reasons that align with their liberalglobalist worldview. In this context, that paradigm preaches that there are supposedly “no limits” to “personal freedom”, thus meaning that even prepubescent children allegedly have the “right” to mutilate their genitals to “reaffirm their gender”. Those who oppose this rapidly spreading “secular religion” are smeared as “bigots” and “canceled”.

While most of this de facto cult’s members have been brainwashed into thinking that sexually abusing children through these means “helps” them in a twisted way, some are pedophiles who take pleasure in knowing they’ve encouraged these crimes while others support this for population control purposes. Whatever their respective motivations may be, the point is that everyone who promotes “gender ideology” and the sex change industry is harming children in one way or another.

Even those that aren’t manipulated by their extreme ideology into mutilating their genitals are still damaged psychologically by their related information products, which could get them to needlessly question natural bodily processes and associated thoughts during puberty, thus aggrieving them. On the moral front, they might also be misled into thinking that marriage and other traditional socio-cultural institutions are forms of “oppression”, which could make them susceptible to other radical ideologies.

Similar psychological and moral risks exist with respect to the proliferation of LGBT+ propaganda, which is why Russia banned all manifestations thereof last year. President Putin also publicly condemned the Western elite as pedophiles in a high-profile speech that he made around the one-year anniversary of the special operation. As a devout believer in conservative-sovereigntism, the Russian leader will stop at nothing to protect traditional values and safeguard his society’s right to rule itself as citizens see fit.

Accordingly, he’s dead-set against anything that risks corrupting children and stealing their innocence, and there’s no way that foreign pressure will ever change his views. From President Putin’s perspective, protecting children is a priority of the highest order and is non-negotiable. Those who oppose Russia’s recent moves are sincerely regarded by him and the overwhelming majority of his society as the embodiment of evil, and they’ll never let those people impose their perversions onto Russian children.


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